
benefit of hope

Why you Benefit from Practicing Hope

In mental health, studies conducted with people who have recovered from severe mental health problems, reveal that one of the major factors, often a turning point in their recovery journey, was when they discovered and began to build hope for a better future. Because from hope, we become motivated to take positive actions, that can make all the difference.

Caring For The Carers: Mental Health And Wellbeing Tips
Mental Health, Wellbeing

Caring For The Carers

In recent times, we’ve seen much more attention paid to the work of health professionals and those in caring roles. Along with that, we’ve also seen an increased awareness of the importance of the mental health and mental wellbeing of those health professionals themselves. After all….


What Is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help people to slow down, and connect with the present moment. Mindfulness not only trains people to experience the world through our five senses and be more open to what life has to offer.

Mental Health, Psychology, Strategies, Workplace

Are Gen Xers the key to staying sane while managing a multi-generational workforce?

The problem with Millennials is that…’ is an expression often heard. Let’s face it, it’s not easy to manage a generation that is more in contact with technology than with people. At least that’s a common opinion. There is often talk about the contribution of Millennials to the workplace and the frustrations many members of other generations experience when working with them

Mental Health, News, Tips

Unlocking The Mysteries Of Workplace Madness – Part 1 of 3

I love talking about mental health at work. In our Mental Health First Aid courses, I especially love talking to people about tips and strategies for dealing with a mental health emergency. So when I thought about interviewing Mary O’Hagan, I knew I had to make it happen! Mary brings a distinct flavor to mental illness or, as she likes to call it, ‘madness’.

Education, Strategies

10 Essential Elements of a Workplace Wellness Strategy

1 in 5 people are impacted by mental health problems every year in Australia. That means that at least 1 in 5 of your employees will either experiencing a full blown mental health crisis, or an unidentified one. This is well known to impact on productivity, absenteeism, presenteeism, workplace injuries and accidents, and team morale.

Method & Tools, Psychology, Tips

7 Ways To Enhance Hope

One of the common themes that emerges from stories of people who have recovered from mental illness, is that of Hope. In studies of consumer recovery stories, it has been found that having Hope for a better future is a major, if not essential element of recovery. So, how do we help engender hope for someone living with mental illness

Burnout, Mental Health, Self Care, Tips

Avoiding Professional Burnout

No matter how much you enjoy your job, there are times when pressure or stress can start to take an emotional toll on you, particularly if you are in a service or healthcare related field. It is important to be able to spot the symptoms associated with professional burnout. Burnout occurs after a prolonged period of stress

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