Mental Health Training
for Individuals and Businesses
Let Our Expertize Guide Your Professional Growth, Employee Empowerment
and Team Development

“Mental Health and Resilience training is your Insurance Policy. Workplace Mental Health is Business Wealth”
Peter Diaz
CEO – Workplace Mental Health Institute
Future Proof Your Business
Get A Better ROI
Our programs return up to $110,000 for every $10,000 invested
Organizations we work with have seen:
- absenteeism down by 33%
- up to 50% less psychological injury claims
- employees with mental health problems reduced by up to 79%
- wellbeing up by at least 57%
You can stop the leak, and build a strong productive team more easily than you think. You just need the right support to build better mental health at work.

“Take care of your employee’s mental health. It’s a high priority. You’re going to get better performance. Everybody knows that”
Steve Wozniak
Apple Co-Founder as told to Peter Diaz CEO, Workplace Mental Health Institute
We know mental health so well, we wrote the essential guide for managers
Mental Wealth reveals an approach to workplace mental health and wellbeing that is proven to actually get results.
Despite having a massive impact on the productivity, profitability, and culture of organizations, there is very little guidance currently provided to managers and leaders on how to manage workplace mental health and wellbeing effectively. What does exist often focuses on the legal aspects of minimizing risk and misses the psychology of workplace mental health and high performance and ends up creating risk for workplaces.

“It’s so important what you are doing. Because if someone is burnt out, how are they going to address a big challenge that comes their way at work?”
Randi Zuckerberg
Former Director of Marketing, Facebook as told to Peter Diaz, CEO, Workplace Mental Health Institute

“The Workplace Mental Health Institute leads the fight to help individuals and organizations tackle this complex problem with proven, effective plans and strategies.”
Steve Anderson
Wall Street Journal, USA Today & International Best Selling Author of The Bezos Letters
Authority on Risk & Growth
By major national and global organizations

“This is the second time we’ve had a session from the Workplace Mental Health Institute and it definitely won’t be the last. Such an engaging and entertaining presenter, you walk away with a greater sense of your own wellbeing and the tools to help you deal with bumps in the road. We’ve had such wonderful feedback from our team, including that they felt extremely valued as employees”
Elizabeth Cupitt-Lovell,
A Thriving Workplace Culture Is No Accident
Wellbeing happens by design. In organizations where a culture of wellbeing thrives, invariably there’s someone leading and directing the culture of that workplace so that it is one of positive mental health and wellbeing. The good news is that there’s a science to mental health and wellbeing and we know how to make it happen! And that there are measurable core competencies.
Are you prepared? When would now be a good time to start? SMART workplaces are healthy and wealthy workplaces.