Leader and Manager Training

Empower Your Managers to Spot, Preempt, Contain and Reduce Issues.

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Peak performance is a science and depends on good mental health training for supervisors and savvy leadership

Research consistently shows how important good mental health training for supervisors and leadership skills are to organizational mental health and wellbeing. Let’s face it, a lot rides on management’s shoulders. Leaders make the biggest impact on the wellbeing of your organization. That’s why any training in mental health for management has to be tailored to their unique needs.

At the Workplace Mental Health Institute we have done the research to ensure mental health does not equal weakness, but performance. High performance.

We have it down to a science and we can show you the simple strategies required.

The rest is up to you but, together, we can succeed.

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What Our Mental Health Training for Supervisors and Leader & Manager Programs Do

Our programs show you what the common management pitfalls are in this area, how to avoid them and how you can get the peak performance results you want, simply.

For management, we have a range of products with flexible delivery methods. It is our aim for you to have as pleasant an experience as possible when you and your staff work with us.

What will our programs do for you? For our existing clients they have done a range of different things. Some have won wellbeing awards. Others have engaged their workforces meaningfully and earned their trust. And all have experienced an improvement in productivity – as they’ve applied what they’ve learned.

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Workplace Mental Health MasterClass For Leaders

Workplace Mental Health Masterclass for Leaders

Learn practical skills for managing mental health issues and for addressing performance problems that could be the result of an underlying mental disorder.

As leaders and advisors to leaders, we are at the coal face of organizational change efforts, accountable for maintaining team performance and a positive culture during periods of high uncertainty.

Statistics are that 1 in 5 adult Australians suffer from a mental disorder, often as a result of chronic stress. And, it’s been said that 75% of HR issues are actually the result of underlying mental health problems.

Most performance management processes don’t equip us to distinguish between non-performance by choice/capability and non-performance resulting from an underlying mental disorder, exacerbated by chronic stress.

The Workplace Mental Health Masterclass for Leaders (Leaders Masterclass) fills that gap – giving you hands on skills to identify the warning signs of mental disorder, and to apply safe, appropriate and effective workplace mental health strategies to help the individual and to restore balance to the team.

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elite edge

Elite Edge

Resilience for mental toughness in Leadership, Business and Life.

The Elite Edge is an experience like no other. Designed specifically for Leaders and ‘Leaders in the Making’, this 1 Day program will put you through a series of exercises and scenarios, to equip you with the tools, skills and mindset to face the rigours and challenges of Leadership from a place of balance and confidence.

Not for the faint hearted! Yes, it will stretch your comfort zone – but you’ll be able to accomplish so much more professionally, and personally, when you are able to stay cool, calm and collected in the face of adversity and the unexpected.

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Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Masterclass – Design The Workplace Wellbeing Blueprint

Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Masterclass

Take your team to new heights of performance through your people.

This Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Masterclass is designed for the individual or team who are responsible for mental health and wellbeing of the team, department or entire organization.

It provides participants with a thorough insight into the particular dynamics of workplace mental health, and dives deep into the 7 Pillars of a Mentally Healthy Workplace, including guiding participants through a self assessment of their organization against the 7 Pillars.

Participants are supported in the development of their Workplace Wellbeing Action Plan, so that after this 1 day Workplace Wellbeing Strategy Masterclass they have a tangible Blueprint, ready to implement immediately, for immediate and measurable change.

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“I’ve found the Leaders Masterclass really exceptional … it provided practical skills that I know I can take back to my workplace and apply straight away in real life situations.”

— Nicole Strauss, Chief People & Culture Officer, The Iconic
Top 3%

Top 3% – the Champions Program

A monthly online masterclass for the Top 3% of Leaders who are serious about championing culture change, mental health and resilience in their organization, serious about enhancing their Leadership skills, and progressing their careers.

The Top 3% in any endeavour, do something different to the rest, in order to get the results they do. They are persistent.

The Top 3% is a monthly online masterclass for Leaders to learn how to manage the mental health and wellbeing of their employees, how to create a culture of resilience, how to look after their own wellbeing and sanity in the process, and so much more!

And with the online masterclass, Leaders have the opportunity to bring real case scenarios and questions to the experts for specific answers and recommendations, all the time adding to their toolbox and skill set.

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Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Individual Coaching for Executives and C Suite professionals who want to take their results to the next level.

Sometimes, individual support from an experienced and objective third party just can’t be beaten.

Our Executive Coaches are highly qualified professional coaches, with leadership skills and experience at the senior management level. We have sought them out from around the world, to bring you the best.

They will tailor a coaching program to your specific needs, and hold you accountable to achieving the outcomes you set.

If you’ve ever had coaching before, you know the value of a good coach. Just one distinction in session can make a massive difference when you apply it at work or at home.

Contact us to find out more about our range of Executive Coaching programs.

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We are proud to work with the following corporates, government departments and not-for-profits

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dila piper
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Contact Us

To book your program or discuss your needs in more detail (we can tailor a program for you), either fill in the form or contact us at admin@thewmhi.com or call our office on

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