Employee Programs

Happier Employees Make Healthier Bottom Lines

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A mentally healthy employee is an engaged and productive employee

It may often be forgotten about or considered ‘the soft stuff’, but research shows that mental health courses for employees have an impact on “job involvement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, performance, absence, turnover, and somatic and physical ailments”1

Smart organizations know that Good Mental Health is Good Business.

Training your employees in mental health and resilience is shown to have an average ROI of $2.30 for every dollar spent.2

And that’s because without it, organizations are leaking cash without even realizing it.

  1. (Work and mental health: A decade in Canadian research. Baba, Vishwanath V.; Jamal, Muhammad; Tourigny, Louise. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, Vol 39(1-2), Feb-May 1998, 94-107)
  2. PwC, Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace – Return on Investment Analysis, 2014
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What Our Employee Programs Do

We have a range of employee programs designed to maximise awareness of mental health issues and benefits. Show your workforce how to be strong and resilient in the face of an ever changing marketplace, and to know how to respond when colleagues need ongoing support.

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Mental Health Essentials

Learn practical skills for identifying and responding in the first instance to a colleague who might be developing a mental health problem, or experiencing a mental health emergency.

Everything you need to know and nothing you don’t. This 1 day practical workshop introduces all employees to the basics of mental health first aid and wellbeing, and teaches them how to identify if they or a colleague may not be coping and how to respond in the first instance to assist that person to get to the professional help that is right for them.

Delivered in a fun (believe it or not!) and engaging way, this workshop is based on the latest research utilizing “recovery based principles” which are holistic and respect diverse cultural backgrounds.

Participants leave with greater awareness, confidence and a set of skills to apply in the real world. Isn’t it great to know your team is looking out for each other and knows when and how to help appropriately.

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ressilience at work

RAW (Resilience at Work)

Personal resilience strategies to manage the ever-increasing challenges and pace of working life.

With downsizing and redundancies affecting almost all sectors, the increasing pace of change, and organizations and their employees being asked to do more and more with much less, resilience skills are absolutely critical when it comes to surviving and thriving at work.

And for organizations, a team of ‘can do’ people who are mentally tough and ready for the challenge is priceless. Those are the organizations who will outlast the others.

Resilience training for workplace goes beyond the standard ‘self care’ and ‘work life balance’, to equip participants with the skills to handle the increasing demands and pressure, and stay well in the process.

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“As a HR generalist who has been in and around all aspects HR for many years I have to admit I found the idea of dealing with mental health issues in the workplace daunting and I was quite cautious. The training de-mystified a lot of things for me and debunked a number of myths.
Now I have done the training and, while I’m certainly not an expert, I feel confident I have the skills to have a conversation with someone in need.”

Belinda Deacon
IP Australia
Suicide Prevention Skills

Suicide Prevention Skills (Suicide Is Not An Option)

With more than 8 people taking their life everyday in Australia, it is vital your employees know how to spot the warning signs amongst colleagues and respond appropriately.

Many workplaces don’t think it will happen to them…. and then it does. Suicide is much more common than we realise, and in Australia more people die by suicide than car accidents.

And when it does happen, it affects everyone. Colleagues and Managers wonder – did I miss the warning signs? Could I have done anything to stop it?

When it comes to suicide, there is no cure – suicide prevention training is the only option. Make sure your staff know how to spot the warning signs that a colleague may be thinking about suicide and know how to respond appropriately.

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Mental Health Conversioation

Mental Health and Wellbeing Conversations

Brief Presentations to introduce mental health into the organization, reduce stigma, and start the conversation about mental health in the workplace.

These 1,2, or 3 hour interactive presentations are designed to introduce your staff to workplace mental health, overcome myths, misconceptions and stigma around mental health, and teach them the essentials skills to identify if they or a colleague might be becoming unwell and respond appropriately in the first instance.

These presentations are tailored to the needs of the organization and can include self care strategies for maintaining personal wellbeing.

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Course Feedback


“Can I please let you know that the session was excellent. I think we could have had an entire day on the topic. The audience were very engaged and the style of the presentation was excellent- thank you!”

Charlotte Jamieson
Mental Health Conversations


“A very well structured, highly informative, at at time confronting course. I am a better human as a result for doing this course.”

Gordon Fraser
Office of Environment and Heritage
Resilience at Work


“Thank you very much for a great course. I feel confident after the course in approaching colleagues using the WARM system and personally I learnt so much, it was an eye-opener participating in the activity relating to Psychosis!”

Michael Jaegli
Asthma Foundation
Mental Health Essentials

We are proud to work with the following corporates, government departments and not-for-profits

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Contact Us

To book your preferred employee programs or discuss your needs in more detail, either fill in the form or contact us at admin@thewmhi.com or call

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