Resilience At Work

Building Resilience Training for Workplaces that Supports Wellbeing, Builds Capability, and Prevents Burnout.

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“We were very happy with the training. Lots of people have said how much they enjoyed the session. We have definitely achieved the desired outcome of staff feeling more positive and knowing how to look after themselves going forward.”

Casey Hicks

What Others Have Said

We Don’t Just Teach People About Resilience, They Become More Resilient During The Workshop

What Makes the Resilience At Work Course So Different?

  • Fully Qualified Facilitators: Our Specialists are experienced, qualified, and licensed mental health professionals. This is not just a hobby – they are drawing on decades of expertise. So you know you’re getting the very best.
  • Beyond Self Care 101: We give your staff advanced skills and tools based on evidence from neuropsychology, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and positive psychology, which are proven to enhance emotional health and wellness, and get long lasting results to stay calm, focused and resilient over extended periods of change or challenge.
  • Practical Tools: Not just theory! The course is highly experiential and practical, with games, activities, videos, small group discussions and self reflection exercises. We create a safe space for your team to develop the skills needed for emotional toughness and mental fitness, and apply what they learn immediately after the course, at work and at home.
  • Proven to Work: Delivered to hundreds of people over more than a decade, the positive impact of this training has been felt immediately, and has led to measurable and significant improvement in the resilience of the workforce, with reduced absenteeism, reduced psychological injury claims, reduced conflict and improved wellbeing.
In short, there’s nothing like this course anywhere else
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hand up in the resilience training

Course Feedback

The feedback from the Resilience At Work course has been overwhelmingly positive. For example:


“There was a lot of interaction, movement, and thought provoking questions. Breaks were helpful, use of different learning styles: Tactile, visual, audio. Thank you for sending an intelligent, funny and personable facilitator.”

Sandra, Rocky Mountains Behavioral Health


“Great session – every person in my company would find value in this.”

Lisa, Danone


“Incredible, insightful facilitator!!! I have taken so much from this learning. I am incredibly blessed to have experienced this. Thank you so much!”

Dee, Georg Jensen


“The course was excellent and delivered very well. The Facilitator helped to keep things interesting throughout the whole course and the time really flew by.”

Barbara, Coimisiún na Meán, Ireland


“This is the second time we’ve had a session from the WMHI and will definitely not be the last. Such an engaging and entertaining presenter, you walk away with a greater sense of your own well-being and the tools to help you deal with those ‘bumps in the road’. We’ve had such wonderful feedback from our team, it was brilliant, thank you.”

Elizabeth Cupitt Lovell
Roche Diabetes

Case Study

A large state government agency was undergoing an extensive and long term process of restructures, redundancies and relocations, which were known to be leading to increased stress claims, conflict, HR issues, low morale, and overall poor engagement.To support staff through these difficult but necessary changes, over a period of 18 months, the Resilience at Work training program was made available to all employees, with 45 sessions delivered across the state.

Despite the challenging workplace context, feedback from the training sessions was extremely positive, with many participants stating it was the best course they have ever attended.

“I attend regular courses but found this one to be one of the best so far. Reminding us of practical things we can do, to get back to where we should be. Thank you!!!!”“Thank you. A very well structured, highly informative and at times even confronting course. I am a better human as a result for doing this course.”

Over the course of the program, psychological injury claims were demonstrated to have dropped to a fraction of their previous rate, and the Resilience at Work course was adopted as an ongoing part of continuous professional development for all employees.

What’s In This
Resilience Training for Workplaces

Resilience at Work is a one-day workshop designed for all staff, to equip them with personal strategies for managing stress, building their own personal resilience and emotional fitness, so they can stay well and avoid burnout, even when working in high pressure, demanding or changing environments.Delving beyond Self Care 101, this highly experiential course draws upon the latest scientific research within the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, linguistics and transactional analysis, to arm participants highly practical and effective tools and strategies to maintain a high level of performance and energy to perform at their best day in and day out, with a `Can Do´ attitude.

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After the course, participants will be able to:

  • Take personal responsibility for their own well-being, resilience and effectiveness.
  • Apply scientifically based strategies for maintaining and enhancing well being.
  • Avoid outdated coping strategies that can make stress worse.
  • Identify their own personal triggers and respond more effectively.
  • Manage interpersonal challenges more effectively for stronger team dynamics.
  • Apply proven strategies to stay calm and focused during times of change, stress and pressure.
  • Monitoring their levels and use of energy, and focus it constructively.

What Results Does This Course Get?

  • Reductions in psychological injury claims of more than 50%.
  • Reductions in rates of mental ill health of up to 80% (depression), 100% (anxiety), 36% (stress).
  • Increase in measurements of positive wellbeing of up to 282% (WHO5)
  • Incredibly positive feedback to date from participants of all industries, with satisfaction ratings consistently over 95%

What’s the Investment?

How much are poor coping strategies costing you now? Can your team think clearly, be innovative and solve problems? or do they default to complaining and conflict? Low levels of resilience could already be costing you a great deal.Pricing depends on factors including your group size, preferred delivery mode, location, etc.

Contact us below for more information or give us a call on to find out more.

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After you attend this Building Resilience Training for Workplaces, you’ll get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to our Members Only Academy, packed full of videos, PDFs and tools to continue to grow your mental health knowledge.
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