WorkLife eMag – Special Coronavirus Edition

The current Coronavirus pandemic has caught all of us by surprise. It’s caused a lot of stress, fear, confusion, and uncertainty for the future in people and businesses alike, all over the world.

To face the coming challenges in the workplace and the world at large, it is critical that employees know how to respond to the psychological, social, and economic challenges created by COVID-19 with a stable, grounded, and clear presence of mind. Our individual and collective health depends on it.

The Workplace Mental Health Institute’s response was to put out to call to its network of subject matter experts around the world and ask them to contribute wisdom, tips, and proven strategies that they know would help others during this time. 18 experts replied from 9 countries.

This Special Edition of WorkLIFE is no longer the work of the Workplace Mental Health Institute only, but a labor of love of fellow human beings acting in solidarity with all of us.

We say ‘thank you’ to these 18 contributors, and special thanks go out to all of you out there making it possible for us to survive these incredibly difficult times: our medical staff, our police, our chemists, those of you that serve us at the supermarket, our truck and delivery drivers. And all those others who are also risking their health and their lives daily to make sure the rest of us survive.


To you, the reader, we say: ‘Enjoy this magazine, it’s a gift of love, and stay healthy and safe.

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